Jag vill planera / Patienters medverkan i undervisning
Patienters medverkan i undervisning

Foto: Roger Lundholm, Region Skåne
Patienters medverkan är nödvändig för att studenter och läkare under utbildning ska få träna och utvecklas i sin professionella roll. Vilka etiska riktlinjer bör vi känna till och förhålla oss till som handledare? Hur introducerar vi patienterna till någon som är under utbildning? Hur kan vi skapa möjlighet att delta i patientarbete och samtidigt visa respekt för patienternas eget val? Hur kan patienterna medverka som resurs i handledningen?
Nedan hittar du litteratur och etiska riktlinjer till stöd för patientmedverkan.
Om patientmedverkan
“It is a safe rule to have no teaching without a patient for a text, and the best teaching is that taught by the patient himself” is well known. The importance of learning from the patient has been repeatedly emphasised. For example, generations of students have been exhorted to “listen to the patient—he is telling you the diagnosis.” Traditionally, however, a patient’s role has been essentially passive, the patient acting as interesting teaching material, often no more than a medium through which the teacher teaches. As well as being potentially disrespectful, this is a wasted opportunity. Not only can patients tell their stories and show physical signs, but they can also give deeper and broader insights into their problems. Finally, they can give feedback to both learners and teacher. Through their interactions with patients, clinical teachers—knowingly or unknowingly—have a powerful influence on learners as role models….” (from ABC of Teaching and Learning in Medicine).
Jag vill planera / Patienters medverkan i undervisning
Patienters medverkan i undervisning

Foto: Roger Lundholm, Region Skåne
Patienters medverkan är nödvändig för att studenter och läkare under utbildning ska få träna och utvecklas i sin professionella roll. Vilka etiska riktlinjer bör vi känna till och förhålla oss till som handledare? Hur introducerar vi patienterna till någon som är under utbildning? Hur kan vi skapa möjlighet att delta i patientarbete och samtidigt visa respekt för patienternas eget val? Hur kan patienterna medverka som resurs i handledningen?
Nedan hittar du litteratur och etiska riktlinjer till stöd för patientmedverkan.
Om patientmedverkan
“It is a safe rule to have no teaching without a patient for a text, and the best teaching is that taught by the patient himself” is well known. The importance of learning from the patient has been repeatedly emphasised. For example, generations of students have been exhorted to “listen to the patient—he is telling you the diagnosis.” Traditionally, however, a patient’s role has been essentially passive, the patient acting as interesting teaching material, often no more than a medium through which the teacher teaches. As well as being potentially disrespectful, this is a wasted opportunity. Not only can patients tell their stories and show physical signs, but they can also give deeper and broader insights into their problems. Finally, they can give feedback to both learners and teacher. Through their interactions with patients, clinical teachers—knowingly or unknowingly—have a powerful influence on learners as role models….” (from ABC of Teaching and Learning in Medicine).